Contributing to EnvCLI

Thank you for considering to help us on this project.

How to contribute to Twitch4J

There are three ways you can contribute to our repository:

  • Creating issues / feature requests / providing feedback
  • Joining to our Discord Server to talk about EnvCLI
  • Fix bugs / Add Features and creating a pull request


Plase do not use the GitHub Issues to ask question, ask question on the Discord Server.

Discord Server

Feel free to join our Discord Server.

Pull Requests

Before starting pull request make sure if:

  1. All your code will be subject to the project's licence, in this case MIT.
  2. Your code follows the project style (ex. indentation style, bracket style, naming, comments, etc). Rewrites/Improvmeents of any kind are kindly welcome.
  3. Your pull-request MUST be created against the develop branch!